Graphs and data

GDPR compliance and data sovereignty

Most of the demos are based on OpenAI, because it has an easy to use API. On this test website we only use public information and do not share any internal or personal information with the large language models (LLMs).

However, if you build real application such as an AI enhanced customer support center, you will most likely need to share internal information (for example specifics about functionality, etc.) and personal information (name of customer, customer id, order number of customers, etc.). In such a scenario you would most likely not want to send this information to an external API, both for legal reasons (GDPR), but also to protect your intellectual property (IP).

The good thing is that there exists a number of LLMs that can be installed on your premise or in your cloud applications. Most models can be used with the same API functions that are used for interacting with OpenAI.

All AI applications on this website can be operated with custom LLMs models. We have successfully tested the demo applications with several custom models.